Inquinamento luminoso in Italia
Light Pollution in Italy

by Pierantonio Cinzano

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Next: Analysis of the Up: References on Light PollutionPrevious: Introduction.


The main sources of this Reference List are the annual index of some international magazines on astronomy and astrophysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts, and the reference lists included in the papers itself. I don't give here references on Bill, Law and other ordinances, the most of which can be requested at the International Dark-sky Association, 3545 N. Steward, Tucson AZ 85716 U.S.A..

Users are requested to help the updating of this list, keeping me informed about omissions and errors. I ask that Italian users point out to me papers and articles appeared in Italian magazines or newspapers. Please write to the internet e-mail address:
I ask to the authors to kindly send a copy of what they write on Light Pollution to this address:
Commissione della Società Astronomica Italiana per lo studio dell'Inquinamento Luminoso, Servizio Bibliografico, Vicolo Osservatorio 5, I-35100 Padova, Italy.

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