Inquinamento luminoso in Italia
Light Pollution in Italy

by Pierantonio Cinzano

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Reference List on Light Pollution - Part A 

by Pierantonio Cinzano

  1. Abradmyan, G.V. & Akhverdyan, L.C. 1978, Byurakan night sky observations (in Russian), Soubshoh. Byurakan Obs., 50, 50-54.
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  35. CIE 1991, Guide on the limitation of the effects of obrusive light from outdoor lighting installations, Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage Technical Committee 5.12 (Obtrusive Light), First draft, June 1991.
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  37. CIE 1994, Road and outdoor lighting for astronomers, Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, draft.
  38. Cinzano, P. 1992, Registrazione delle sorgenti di inquinamento luminoso in Italia (in Italian), Astronomia UAI, 1/2, 30+4.
  39. Cinzano, P. 1991, Relazione della Commissione dell'Unione Astrofili Italiani su
    l'inquinamento luminoso: attività svolta (in Italian), Astronomia UAI, 10, 23-24.
  40. Cinzano, P. 1992, Guida alla progettazione di impianti di illuminazione esterna a basso livello di inquinamento luminoso (in Italian), Unione Astrofili Italiani, Commissione inquinamento luminoso.
  41. Cinzano, P. 1992, L'inquinamento luminoso (in Italian) (Galliera Veneta:Biroma Editore).
  42. Cinzano, P. 1993, Rapporto Quadriennale della Commissione per l'Inquinamento Luminoso dell'Unione Astrofili Italiani (in Italian), Astronomia UAI, 3, 30-31.
  43. Cinzano, P. 1993, References on Light Pollution and Related Fields, Version 1: November 1993, Internal Report No.11 (Padova: Department of Astronomy, University of Padova).
  44. Cinzano, P. 1994, Light pollution determination in Italy, in The Vanishing Universe, Proceedings of the IAU/ICSU/UNESCO meeting Adverse environmental impacts on astronomy: An exposition, Paris 30 June - 2 July 1992, ed. D. McNally (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
  45. Cinzano, P. 1994, Il manuale dell'inquinamento luminoso (in italian) (Thiene: preliminary edition printed by the author).
  46. Cinzano, P. 1994, References on Light Pollution and Related Fields, Version 2: August 1994, Internal Report No.11 (Padova: Department of Astronomy, University of Padova).
  47. Cinzano, P. & Di Sora, M. 1994, Inquinamento luminoso: Relazione sullo Stato dell'Arte nel nostro paese (in italian) , Luce, 6/94, p.50-56.
  48. Cinzano, P. 1996, Report on Light Pollution Meeting held in Asiago, TNG News, 1/96, No. 12, p.10-11.
  49. Cinzano, P. 1997, Inquinamento luminoso e protezione del cielo notturno (in italian) (Venezia: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti), 224 pp.
  50. Cinzano, P. & Di Sora, M. 1993, Light Pollution in Italy: Report on activities in our country (poster presented at the IAU/COSPAR/ICSU/UNESCO Meeting, Paris 1992) in Mem. Soc. Astron. It., 64, 489-494.
  51. Cinzano, P. & Di Sora, M. 1993, Raccomandazioni per la progettazione di impianti di illuminazione esterna notturna (in Italian), Commissione per lo studio dell'Inquinamento Luminoso della Società Astronomica Italiana & Commissione per l'Inquinamento Luminoso dell'Unione Astrofili Italiani, also in Astronomia a Brescia (Brescia: Unione Astrofili Bresciani), September 1993, p.4.
  52. Cordell, F.M. 1993, Fun with lasers or street lamps I have known and hated, I.A.P.P.P. Comm., 51, 20-24.
  53. Costero, R. 1991, Light Pollution at the Astronomical Observatories in Mexico, in 112 , ed. D.L. Crawford, Astron. Soc. of Pacific Conference Series  17, p. 45-47.
  54. Crabtree, D., Westpfahl, D. & Richer, H. 1991, 120 Hz variations in Sky Brightness Over Vancouver, B.C. , in 112 , ed. D.L. Crawford, Astron. Soc. of Pacific Conference Series  17, p.99
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  59. Crawford, D.L. 1988, The effect of light pollution on amateur astronomy, 98, p.104.
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  63. Crawford, D.L. 1991, Help save the stars, Sky and Telescope, November 1991, 547-548.
  64. Crawford, D.L. 1991, Note about the star watching program (Tucson: International Dark-Sky Association ), 4 january 1991.
  65. Crawford, D.L. 1992, Light Pollution, in The Protection of Astronomical and Geophysical Sites, ed. J. Kovalevski (Paris: Frontieres), p.31.
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  67. Crawford, D.L. 1997, Photometry: Terminology and Units in the lighting and astronomical sciences, The Observatory, 117, p.14-18.
  68. Crawford, D.L. 1998, Light Pollution: The Problem, the Solutions, in Preserving the Astronomical Windows, ed. I. Syuzo, T. Hirayama, Astron. Soc. of Pacific Conf. Series, 139, 13
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  73. Debarbat, S. 1993, Le ciel nocturne dispairat-il meme en Australie? (in French), L'Astronomie, 107 (June 1993), 190-193.
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  157. International Dark-Sky Association 1989, As a Non-profit Organization, IDA Needs Help, IDA Information Sheet no. 7 (Tucson: IDA).
  158. International Dark-Sky Association 1989, Local Sections for IDA: Why ? How ?, IDA Information Sheet no. 8 (Tucson: IDA).
  159. International Dark-Sky Association 1989, Glossary of Basic Terms and Definitions, IDA Information Sheet no. 9 (Tucson: IDA).
  160. International Dark-Sky Association 1989, Summary of the IAU Colloquium No.112, IDA Information Sheet no. 10 (Tucson: IDA).
  161. International Dark-Sky Association 1989, Estimating the Level of Sky Glow Due to Cities, IDA Information Sheet no. 11 (Tucson: IDA).
  162. International Dark-Sky Association 1989, Recommendations about Effective Outdoor Lighting, IDA Information Sheet no. 12 (Tucson: IDA).
  163. International Dark-Sky Association 1989, Summary of the City of San Diego Street Lighting Conversion, IDA Information Sheet no. 13 (Tucson: IDA).
  164. International Dark-Sky Association 1989, Fact Sheet on the International Dark-Sky Association , IDA Information Sheet no. 14 (Tucson: IDA).
  165. International Dark-Sky Association 1989, List of Information Sheets Available as of This Date, IDA Information Sheet no. 15 (Tucson: IDA).
  166. International Dark-Sky Association 1989, Slide Sets and Other Items Available from IDA, IDA Information Sheet no. 16 (Tucson: IDA).
  167. International Dark-Sky Association 1989, Vast Orbiting Displays... A letter of Robert Dixon, IDA Information Sheet no. 17 (Tucson: IDA).
  168. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, Theft of the Night... Text of a Dec 1989 NAS Op-ED Press Release, IDA Information Sheet no. 18 (Tucson: IDA).
  169. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, The American Astronomical Society's Position on Light Pollution, IDA Information Sheet no. 19 (Tucson: IDA).
  170. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, Sky Glow Effects on Existing Large telescopes, IDA Information Sheet no. 20 (Tucson: IDA).
  171. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, Poster paper: Light Pollution, Another Threat to the Environment, IDA Information Sheet no. 21 (Tucson: IDA).
  172. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, Sample Letter to Help Build Awareness and Ask for Help, IDA Information Sheet no. 22 (Tucson: IDA).
  173. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, Campus Lighting, and Other Such Applications (Libraries, etc.), IDA Information Sheet no. 23 (Tucson: IDA).
  174. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, Security Lighting.Let's Have Real Security, Not Bad Lighting, IDA Information Sheet no. 24 (Tucson: IDA).
  175. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, How To Talk To Your Neighbor Who Has a Bad Light, IDA Information Sheet no. 25 (Tucson: IDA).
  176. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, Economic Issues in Wasted and Inefficient Outdoor Lighting, IDA Information Sheet no. 26 (Tucson: IDA).
  177. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, Control of Outdoor Lighting at Wesleyan University, by A.Upgren, IDA Information Sheet no. 27 (Tucson: IDA).
  178. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, An Introduction to Light Pollution, IDA Information Sheet no. 28 (Tucson: IDA).
  179. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, Turtles and Outdoor Lighting in Florida, IDA Information Sheet no. 29 (Tucson: IDA).
  180. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, Partial List of Good Lighting Fixtures, IDA Information Sheet no. 30 (Tucson: IDA).
  181. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, `Does Stanford Need More Outdoor Lighting?' Letter by Dan Schroeder, IDA Information Sheet no. 31 (Tucson: IDA).
  182. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, Telling the Differences Between Different Lighting Sources, IDA Information Sheet no. 32 (Tucson: IDA).
  183. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, Talking Hasn't Worked. Shall I Sue Them?, IDA Information Sheet no. 33 (Tucson: IDA).
  184. International Dark-Sky Association 1990, We All Need Good Outdoor Nighttime Lighting, IDA Information Sheet no. 34 (Tucson: IDA).
  185. International Dark-Sky Association 1991, Billboards, IDA Information Sheet no. 35 (Tucson: IDA).
  186. International Dark-Sky Association 1991, Golden Bay Outdoor Lighting Control Ordinance, IDA Information Sheet no. 36 (Tucson: IDA).
  187. International Dark-Sky Association 1991, City of San Diego Lighting Control Ordinance, IDA Information Sheet no. 37 (Tucson: IDA).
  188. International Dark-Sky Association 1991, Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Control Ordinance, IDA Information Sheet no. 38 (Tucson: IDA).
  189. International Dark-Sky Association 1991, Koyaanisqatsi - Life Out of Balance, IDA Information Sheet no. 39 (Tucson: IDA).
  190. International Dark-Sky Association 1991, How to Get Started ..., IDA Information Sheet no. 40 (Tucson: IDA).
  191. International Dark-Sky Association 1991, Oh Beautiful for Spacious Skies - Not Near a City !, IDA Information Sheet no. 41 (Tucson: IDA).
  192. International Dark-Sky Association 1991, Some Lighting Myths, IDA Information Sheet no. 42 (Tucson: IDA).
  193. International Dark-Sky Association 1991, Some Resolutions for the Coming Year - by Frank Olsen, IDA Information Sheet no. 43 (Tucson: IDA).
  194. International Dark-Sky Association 1991, IAU Colloquium, Table of Contents, IDA Information Sheet no. 44 (Tucson: IDA).
  195. International Dark-Sky Association 1991, 1988 IAU Resolutions About the Issues, IDA Information Sheet no. 45 (Tucson: IDA).
  196. International Dark-Sky Association 1992, State of Maine Act to Improve Outdoor Lighting, IDA Information Sheet no. 46 (Tucson: IDA).
  197. International Dark-Sky Association 1992, The IES - Illuminating Society of North America (IESNA), IDA Information Sheet no. 47 (Tucson: IDA).
  198. International Dark-Sky Association 1992, The CIE - Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, IDA Information Sheet no. 48 (Tucson: IDA).
  199. International Dark-Sky Association 1992, Green Lights - The EPS's New Program to Encourage Energy Efficient Lighting, IDA Information Sheet no. 49 (Tucson: IDA).
  200. International Dark-Sky Association 1992, The Earth at Night - A poster showing a Satellite View of All of the Earth at Night, IDA Information Sheet no. 50 (Tucson: IDA).
  201. International Dark-Sky Association 1992, Lighting and Crime, IDA Information Sheet no. 51 (Tucson: IDA).
  202. International Dark-Sky Association 1992, Efficient Outdoor Lighting, IDA Information Sheet no. 52 (Tucson: IDA).
  203. International Dark-Sky Association 1992, WARC-92: Principal Results of Importance to Radio Astronomy, IDA Information Sheet no. 53 (Tucson: IDA).
  204. International Dark-Sky Association 1992, Dark Campus Programs Reduce Vandalism and Save Energy, IDA Information Sheet no. 54 (Tucson: IDA).
  205. International Dark-Sky Association 1992, City of Tempe, Arizona, Lighting Ordinances, IDA Information Sheet no. 55 (Tucson: IDA).
  206. International Dark-Sky Association 1992, County of San Diego Lighting Ordinance, IDA Information Sheet no. 56 (Tucson: IDA).
  207. International Dark-Sky Association 1992, Who We Are - The IDA Board of Directors and Officiers, IDA Information Sheet no. 57 (Tucson: IDA).
  208. International Dark-Sky Association 1992, Star Watching Program, IDA Information Sheet no. 58 (Tucson: IDA).
  209. International Dark-Sky Association 1992, Report on the Star Watching Program Results 1991/1992, IDA Information Sheet no. 59 (Tucson: IDA).
  210. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Communities Initiate Steps to Illuminate Streets, Not Skies, IDA Information Sheet no. 60 (Tucson: IDA).
  211. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Quality Street Lighting - A Talk by George Eslinger -October 1992, IDA Information Sheet no. 61 (Tucson: IDA).
  212. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Promoting Dark Skies During Public Star Parties - Luther Ross, IDA Information Sheet no. 62 (Tucson: IDA).
  213. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, US Department of Justice Study of Street Lighting and Crime, IDA Information Sheet no. 63 (Tucson: IDA).
  214. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, What You Get for Your Membership, IDA Information Sheet no. 64 (Tucson: IDA).
  215. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Ontario Hydro Leaflet on Light Pollution, IDA Information Sheet no. 65 (Tucson: IDA).
  216. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, What To Do About Those ... Streetlights - by Terry Dickinson, IDA Information Sheet no. 66 (Tucson: IDA).
  217. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Let Us (Not) See The Light - by Dawes, Northfield & Wallace, IDA Information Sheet no. 67 (Tucson: IDA).
  218. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Help Us Save the Stars ! (A sign-up sheet or handing out to people), IDA Information Sheet no. 68 (Tucson: IDA).
  219. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, IDA Information Sheet no. 69 (Tucson: IDA).
  220. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, IDA Information Sheet no. 70 (Tucson: IDA).
  221. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, IDA Information Sheet no. 71 (Tucson: IDA).
  222. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, The BAA Campaign for Dark Skies, IDA Information Sheet no. 72 (Tucson: IDA).
  223. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Light Pollution in the U.K., IDA Information Sheet no. 73 (Tucson: IDA).
  224. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Keeping the Skies Dark: An Australian Plan, IDA Information Sheet no. 74 (Tucson: IDA).
  225. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, IESNA Lighting Handbook, 8th edition, IDA Information Sheet no. 75 (Tucson: IDA).
  226. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Exterior Lighting: Glare and Light Trespass, IDA Information Sheet no. 76 (Tucson: IDA).
  227. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Recommended Lighting levels, Exterior Lighting, IDA Information Sheet no. 77 (Tucson: IDA).
  228. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Basic Lighting Laws and Some Notes on Pole Spacing Geometry, IDA Information Sheet no. 78 (Tucson: IDA).
  229. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, ``Porch Light'' an Article by Justin Isherwood, IDA Information Sheet no. 79 (Tucson: IDA).
  230. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, List of Slides available from IDA IDA Information Sheet no. 80 (Tucson: IDA).
  231. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Captions for Slide Set A (ASP/IDA Standard Set) IDA Information Sheet no. 81 (Tucson: IDA).
  232. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Captions for Slide Set B (Supplementary set 1) IDA Information Sheet no. 82 (Tucson: IDA).
  233. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Captions for Slide Set C (Satellite Images) IDA Information Sheet no. 83 (Tucson: IDA).
  234. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Captions for Slide Set D (Good Lighting) IDA Information Sheet no. 84 (Tucson: IDA).
  235. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Captions for Slide Set E (Light Sources) IDA Information Sheet no. 85 (Tucson: IDA).
  236. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Captions for Slide Set F (More Supplementary Slides) IDA Information Sheet no. 86 (Tucson: IDA).
  237. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Captions for Slide Set G (Mostly Bad Lighting Examples) IDA Information Sheet no. 87 (Tucson: IDA).
  238. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Sample talks One and Two, IDA Information Sheet no. 88 (Tucson: IDA).
  239. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Dark Skies and the Bible, from Wade Thompson, IDA Information Sheet no. 89 (Tucson: IDA).
  240. International Dark-Sky Association 1993, Light Pollution - Theft of the Night (A Handout sheet), IDA Information Sheet no. 90 (Tucson: IDA).
  241. IES 1985, A Statement on astronomical light pollution and light trespass, Subcommittee on light trespass of the IES Roadway Lighting Committee, J. Illum. Eng. Soc., 12, 658.
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  247. Isobe, S. & Kosai, H. 1998, Star Watching Observations to measure Night Sky Brightness, in Preserving the Astronomical Windows, ed. I. Syuzo, T. Hirayama, Astron. Soc. of Pacific Conf. Series, 139, 175.
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