Inquinamento luminoso in Italia
Light Pollution in Italy

by Pierantonio Cinzano

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Reference List on Light Pollution - Part D

Environmental effects of artificial light and light pollution

N.B. This section is under construction and it collects only  a small and incomplete list of references.

by Pierantonio Cinzano

  1. Anon. 2000, Firefly and Light Pollution, adverse effects on ecosystem, Report of the Astron. Soc. of Wakabadai 
  2. Anon. 2000, Seatrout vs. Light Nuisance, Scottish Anglers National Association, 
  3. Anon. 2000, Artificial light influences on Halibut Fishes, 
  4. Anon. 2000, Response to Artificial Light of Mysis Relicta, in Lake Source Cooling Environmental Impact Statement, Cornell University, sec., 
  5. Able K.P. 1982, The effects of overcast skies on the orientation of free-flying nocturnal migrations, in Avian navigation (Papi and Wallraff eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Heidelberg , 40-49
  6. Albarran, M.T., Dolsa A.G. 1998, La problematica de la Contaminacio luminica en la conservacio de la Biodiversitat (in catalan), I Sessiò de traball sobre la Contaminaciò luminica, Dept. del Medi Ambient, Generalitat de Catalunya, 29 July 1998.
  7. Avery, D. 2000, The Effects of Light on Circadian Rhythms, Sleep and Mood, Dark Skies Northwest Regional Meeting - December 2nd, 2000,
  8. Avery, M. , Springer, P.F., Cassel, J.F. 1976, The effects of a tall tower on nocturnal bird migration - A portable ceilometer study, Auk, 93, 281-291.
  9. Avise J.C., Crawford R.L. 1981, A matter of lights and Death, Natural History, 90, 11-14
  10. Backhurst, G. C., Pearson, D. J, 1977, Ethiopian Region Birds Attracted to the Lights of Ngulia Safari Lodge, Kenya, Scopus, 1(4), 98-103, WR 179.
  11. Baldwin, D.H., 1965, Enquiry into the mass mortality of nocturnal migrants in Ontario, The Ontario Naturalist, 3(1), 3-11.
  12. Baird, J., Emery, R.I., Emery, R. 1959, Fall migration: northeastern maritime region, Audubon Field Notes, 13(1), 11-13.
  13. Batt, S. 2000, What Light Through Yonder Window Wreaks—Circadian Rhythms and Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Action newsletter, 61 (set/oct), also at 
  14. Beier, P. 1995, Dispersal of juvenile cougars in fragmented habitats. J. of Wildl. Manage., 59(2), 228-237.
  15. Belton P. 1976, Effects of interrupted lights on birds, National Research Council of Canada, Field Note no.73, October.
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  17. Bernard, R.F. 1966, Fall migration: western Great Lakes region, Audubon Field Notes, 20(1),45-46, 50-53
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  21. Bjorge, R.R., Bird kill in Northwest Alberta, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, 101, 3.
  22. Borg, V. (1996), Death of the night, Geographical Magazine, 68, 56.
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  25. Bretherton B.J., 1902, The destruction of birds by lighthouses, Osprey, 1, 76-78
  26. Bruderer, B., Peter, D., Steuri, T.,1999, Behavior of Migrating Birds Exposed to X-band Radar and a Bright Light Beam, Journal of Experimental Biology, 202(9), 1015-1022
  27. Buchanan, B. W. 1993, Effects of enhanced lighting on the behaviour of nocturnal frogs, Animal Behaviour, 45(5), 893-899.
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  29. Casagrande, R., Giulini, P. 2000, City lights and urban green, in Measuring and modelling light pollution (ed. P.Cinzano), Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 71, 55-58.
  30. Clarke, M.R., Pascoe, P.L., 1985, The influence of an electric light on the capture of deep-sea animals by a midwater trawl, J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U. K., 65, 373-393. 
  31. Clarke, M.R., Pascoe, P.L., Maddock, L., 1986, Influence of 70 watt electric lights on the capture of fish by otter trawl off Plymouth, J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U. K., 66, 711-720.
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  35. Cox, J. 1997,  Blinking lights mark scenes of death for birds, Tallahassee [Florida] Democrat Online, 22 September.
  36. Dauchy,R.T., Blask,D.E., Sauer,L.A., Brainard,G.C., and Krause,J.A. 1999. Dim light during darkness stimulates tumor progression by enhancing tumor fatty acid uptake and metabolism. Cancer Lett. 144:131-136.
  37. Dauchy R.T., Blask D.E., et al. 1997, Light contamination during the dark phase in photoperiodically controlled animal rooms: Effect on tumor growth and metabolism in rats, Laboratory animal science, 47 (October), 511.
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  39. Eisenbeis, G., Hassel, F., 2000, Zur Anziehung nachtaktiver Insekten durch Straßenlaternen - eine Studie kommunaler Beleuchtungseinrichtungen in der Agrarlandschaft Rheinhessens (Attraction of nocturnal insects to street lights - a study of municipal lighting systems in a rural area of Rheinhessen) (in German), Natur und Landschaft,  75, Jgh. (4), 145-156. 
  40. Erren, T.C., Piekarski, 2000, Winter darkness in the Artic- Cancer in the light of the Melatonin Hypotesis, Proc. of Int. Symp. on Low frequency EMF, Visible Light, Melatonin and Cancer, May 4-5, 2000, University of Cologne, Germany, 
  41. Fedun, I., 1995, Fatal Light Attraction, Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation, 18(3), 10- 11.
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  44. FLAP [Fatal Light Awareness Program], 1998, Home Page, 
  45. Flari, V., Lazaridou-Dimitriadou M. 1995, The impact of nocturnal light pulses on the activity pattern of terrestrials snails (Helix lucorum) entrained to a photoperiod of 12 h light: 12 h dark, Canadian Journal of Zoology, 73, 1214
  46. Frank, K.D. 1988. Impact of outdoor lighting on moths: an assessment, Journal Lepidoperists' Society, 42: 63-93
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  51. Gauthreaux, S.A. Jr., Belser, C.G., 1999, The behavioral responses of migrating birds to different lighting systems on tall towers, Proc. Workshop on Avian Mortality at Communications Towers, 119th meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union, Cornell University, August 11th, 1999
  52. Gladgelter, H.L., 1966, Nocturnal Behavior of White-tailed Deer in the Hatter Creek Enclosure, M.S. thesis, University of Idaho, 63p. 
  53. Graber, R.R., 1968, Nocturnal migration in Illinois-Different points of view, Wilson Bulletin, 80, 36-71.
  54. Grunbaum, A., Orgel L. 1998, Birds and prisons--an unlikely pairing, Friends of Grays Harbor, FOGH, 4 January , 
  55. Hahn, R.A. 1998, Does blindness protect against cancers?, Epidemiology, 9 (September).
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  57. Herbert, A.D., 1970, Spatial Disorientation in Birds, Wilson Bulletin, 82, 400-419.
  58. Hopkins, W., Hillman, W. 1965, Response of excited Avena coleoptile segments to red and far-red light, Planta, 65, 157-166.
  59. Humphrey-Smith, I. 1982, Survival of Captive Microchiroptera Feeding on Prey Attracted to Artifical Lights, in The Management of Australian Mammals in Captivity, ed. D. D. Evans, 164-171.
  60. Ishikawa, T. et al. 1999, DCRY is a Drosophila photoreceptor protein implicated in light entrainment of circadian rhythm, Gene Cells, 1, 57-63.
  61. Johnson, C.F., Brown, C.S., Wheeler, R.M., Sager, J.C., Chapman, D.K., Deitzer, G.F., 1996, Infrared light-emitting Diode radiation causes gravitropic and morphological effects in Dark-Grown Oat Seedlings, Photochem. Photobiol., 63, 238-242
  62. Kelly, J.M., Lagarias, J.C. 1985, Photochemistry of 12 kilodalton Avena phytochrome under constant illumination in vitro, Biochemistry, 24, 6003-6010.
  63. Kemper, C.A., 1964, A tower for TV, 30.000 dead birds, Audubon Magazine, 66, 89-90.
  64. Koller M., Haerma M., Lailinen J.T.,Kundi M., 1994, Different patterns of light exposure in relation to melatonin and cortisol rhythms and sleep of night workers, Journal of Pineal Research, 16, 127
  65. Kochevar, R. E. 1998. Effects of Artificial Light on Deep Sea Organisms: Recommendations for ongoing use of artificial lights on deep sea submersibles. Technical Report to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Research Activity Panel, January, 1998, 
  66. Larkin, R.P., Frase, B.A., 1988, Circular paths of birds flying near a broadcasting tower in cloud, Journal of Comparative Psychology, 102, 90-93.
  67. Laval, P., Baussant, T., 1990, Effect of the lights from an approaching submersible on the 15kHz deep scattering layer in the Ligurian Sea (Mediterranean), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 311, Series III, 181 - 186.
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  71. Martin, G.R., 1990, The visual problems of nocturnal migration, Bird Migration, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 185-197. 
  72. McAndrew, B., 1994, Office tower lights, poor cloud cover lure birds to death, Toronto Star, Saturday September 10th, page A4.
  73. Meyer-Rochow, V.B., 1994, Light-induced damage to photoreceptors of spiny lobsters and other crustaceans, Crustaceana, 67(1), 95 - 109
  74. Milius, S. 1999, Nocturnal spider favors artificial lights, Science News, 155(26), 407.
  75. Moore, M.V., S.M. Pierce, H.M. Walsh, S.K. Kvalvik, and J.D. Lim. 1999, Urban light pollution alters the die vertical migration of Daphnia, Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., in press. 
  76. Moore et al. 2001, in Proceedings of the Int. Assoc. of Teorhetical and Applied Limnology, in press.
  77. Nein, R., A Robin uses artificial light for feeding at night, Beitraege zur Naturkunde der Wetterau, 9(2), 213.
  78. Nilsson, H.L., Lindstrom, M., 1983, Retinal damage and sensitivity loss of a light-sensitive crustacean compound eye (Cirolana borealis), Electron microscopy and electrophysiology, J. Exp. Biol., 107, 277-292.
  79. Nikolaus, G. 1980, An Experiment to Attract Migrating Birds with Car Headlights in the Chyulu Hills, Kenya, Scopus, 4(2), 45-46
  80. Nikolaus, G., Pearson, D.J.  1983, Attraction of Nocturnal Migrants to Car Headlights in the Sudan Red Sea Hills, Scopus, 7(1), 19-20.
  81. Oko, D., 2000, Bright Lights, Big Kitties, Daily Grist, Nov 13th, 2000. 
  82. Quinn, G.E., Shin, C.H., Maguire M.G., Stone R.A. 1999, Myopia and ambient lighting at night, Nature, 399, 113-114
  83. Pascoe, P.L. 1990, Light and capture of marine animals, in: Herring, P.J., Campbell, A.K., Whitfield, M. and Maddock, L. (eds), Light and Life in the Sea, Cambridge Univ. Press, 357 pp.
  84. Peters, A., Verhoeven, K. J. F., 1994, Impact of artificial lighting on the seaward orientation of hatchling loggerhead turtles, Journal of Herpetology, 28(1), 112- 114.
  85. Petersen, Ali 2001, Night lights, American Scientist, Science Observer, Jan/Feb 2001 also at 
  86. Raloff, J. 1998, Does light have a dark side? Nighttime illumination might elevate cancer risk, Science News Online, v.154, no. 16 on line at 
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  88. Ranford, R.B., Mason, J.E., 1967, Nocturnal migrants mortalities at the Toronto-Dominion Centre, The Ontario Field Biologist, 23, 26-29.
  89. Reed J.R., Sincock J.L., Hailman J.P. 1985, Light attraction in endangered procellariiform birds: reduction by shielding upward radiation, The Auk, 102, 377-383
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  91. Reed, J. R., 1985, Seabird Vison: Spectral Sensivity and Light Attraction Behavior,. Abstract in Int. B. Sci. Eng., 47(4), 1452. 
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  93. Roenneberg, T., Foster, R.G., 1997, Twilight times: light and the circadian system, Photochem. Photobiol., 66, 549-561.
  94. Rohrbaugh, R. W. Jr., Yahner, R. H., 1997, Effects of Macrohabitat and Microhabitat on Nest-box Use and Nesting Success of American Kestrels, Wilson Bulletin, 109(3), 410-423.
  95. Roman A.  1995, Inquinamento luminoso e probabili effetti sulle piante (in italian), Thesis, Univ. Padova. 
  96. Roman A., Cinzano P.,  Giacometti G. M.,Giulini P. 2000, Light pollution and possible effects on higher plants, in Measuring and modelling light pollution (ed. P.Cinzano), Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 71, 59-70.
  97. Ross, R.C., 1946, People in glass houses should draw their shades, Condor, 48, 142.
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